
Sunday, January 15, 2012

The New Motivation

I don't even want to know how long it's been since my last entry. I don't even want to promise how I'll try to update more. I'm not even going to make too much of an effort due to the my terrible terrible neglect with this blog. So. I'll just say this.

I am painting again. I've been painting for a bit at least 3 times a week... and I slowly see that increase, roughly an hour or two each time. It's a start. Soon, I'm hoping to start printmaking again. The bonus of working at a frameshop... gotta love how someone's trash is another's treasure. I love how I get this frames that are made, just slightly injured... I think how I can try to fix them up and then using scrap pieces of matboards to paint on BAM instant artwork put into a frame. Course, I can't save too much stuff... I don't have the space. But damn, I miss making my own things to work... Instead, just to keep me painting, I've taken to cheap ready stretched and gessoed canvas... thankfully I've learned to work with it... build up the surface. They'll do. I buy the occasional raw piece... but then I'm left of the question: how will I stretch it? Damn I want a saw. Cheap right? Yes. But I want a miter saw. Though honestly, I should just be old fashioned and use an old traditional saw... worth a shot right? bah.

In other minor news: I submitted to a print show and got in. More on at a later date. I submitted a painting for a show. Didn't get in. I was pretty bummed about that... but with that rejection has led me to become determined to enter that particular show every year until I'm in. This is my new motivation: the fact I can get in to one, and rejected to another.

Also, there's nothing like a huge setback, a family issue, something heartbreaking to give you a new motivation to be better, to be stronger, to be become something greater than ever imaginable--- insert evil voice. No. Greater in a good way, I promise. But of course, that's why I have my art, to lay everything out. I have my goals. I want grad school. I WANT IT. So I'll get it. Eventually. For now, a layer has dried and I need to finish this much belated Christmas present and find out what the hell to paint on this other canvas... hmm... I'm thinking some kind of organ... fun stuff.

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