
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Successful Artist

Getting a Twitter was perhaps a fantastic idea. Through it I was able to check out this ARTICLE and learn that Jenny Saville is having a show in NYC with a new body of work related to pregnancy. I am incredibly inspired to work today... but not framing, work as in PAINTING. It does make me happy to wake up every morning and seeing a painting in the works on a shitty easel, and another painting almost completed leaning against the wall. Even more so, I'm excited by the idea of starting a new piece today as well. I should draw more today. Clean up my room a bit more. Listen to music. Maybe watch a movie when I eat lunch or something. Who know.

In all honestly, I have learned that having a full time job leaves you tired, even if you love it. I'm just blessed to continue to work with my hands, and learn various things that I can change with presenting my own work, etc. I feel for now, this is good for me. I am indeed struggling, I'm barely out of college, etc. and I know that I need to attend gallery openings, and the only thing blocking my path is fear of rush hour traffic, fear of getting lost. It's just really something I need to get over with. In fact, if it's one thing to keep me from being successful is my own fear of being successful.

I did apply to one show before the deadline, and I leave it to fate if it made it... further if I even get in. At least I know for that I tried, and that's what matters. now. I sleep at night knowing I tried. I do not yet have the ability to get my own studio away from my apt. That's a someday thing. Honestly, at this time, the best thing I can do is work, start paying back student loans when the time comes, and work on my art when I can and accept being happy. Within a year I will be applying for grad school, hopefully, and likely rejected, all with hopes to apply again and get in to one, and really explore my art, myself, really get myself out there. And after that, who knows. In the mean time, I have to balance everything in my life. So goes the life of being... an adult... with a deep hearted passion for art.

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