
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The possible art of the artist statement.

You know when you go to a gallery and there's information about the artist and you sit or stand there and read it? Especially if you are a nerd like me? Well, I have two and a half hours to touch up my own artist statement, and all I can think of is how difficult it is to express into words what your visual images are about! This artist statement is not likely to be shown at my show, y'know, the let art speak for itself, but knowing how to do something like this is important for future shows and competitions etc. What's worse is that I consider writing another hobby, though I don't get to do it as much if at all.

As you can see from the top, there is a new page titled Artist Statement; it has not been posted yet, but it will be, along with pieces I have been working on. I also thought about getting a flickr account for more and better viewing of my work instead uploading everything here. I don't know yet.

For now I'll just sip my coffee and write away.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Almost a Month

I am obviously not doing a good job of keeping up with this... I promise more pics soon and better updates, in the mean time I have a ton to do before finals week... once this coming week, the last week of classes, I'll be so much more relaxed. Honestly, I'm not too worried about my finals. I just need to take care of things.

On the good news, I had comps last month and I passed. That's a relief, I knew I would, but still, there's always a bit of doubt and second guessing after turning it in. Luckily I was right on this one.

So what's to come? Paintings and Prints! Maybe even more in studio pics! Who knows, but next semester with me taking all art classes I'll hopefully post more and be a bit more relaxed, though really I'll be massively stressed out.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Crowd Surf Off A Cliff

Perhaps it's the beginning of Texas winter air, or simply something else. Either way Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton's song has been stuck in my head.

I have my comprehensive exam in exactly one week. Comps. I'll update on that later.

In artistic news, I added the Synopsis tab so you can view my work from the senior show. Highly recommend you check it out. This site is still a work in progress, but I'm getting there.

And for your musical enjoyment:

Crowd Surf Off A Cliff

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Note: This was meant to be posted last week, but now I have a few pics to actually update about it. 

Definitions of Synopsis:
1 : a condensed statement or outline (as of a narrative or treatise) : abstract
2 : the abbreviated conjugation of a verb in one person only 
 What is Synopsis for me? The Senior Group Exhibition, featuring two art historians, two sculptors, two painters, two ceramists. Sadly, no printmakers, though I am becoming one and could potentially have some in my show. With that said, I should still make one more print before Wednesday. Essentially this show serves as a test run of what our own shows will be in the Spring, or for one sculptor and ceramist, this Fall, with their shows going up next month. This is the rundown:

This past Saturday and Sunday the seniors have been setting up the show. Everything must be up and ready for view by Monday 8 am. Wednesday we have our Senior Reviews where every art professor, minus our advisor, comes to hear our work and hear us out; in turn they offer suggestions, concern, constructive criticism. It is a chance for them to understand what it is we are trying to do in our studio. On Friday, we will have our reception, and take the show down on Sunday. 
Yesterday was hectic in ways, some confusion, slight drama, some frustration, but I believe things will or already have worked out. For spending pretty much two days of working and helping each other out, it's funny that this show will only be up for a week. 

Perhaps we should just all it Brevity.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I'll Give You a Hint.

I'm not going to post any of my work until Synopsis, the Senior Group Exhibit. Why? I'm hoping people will come to it and see the work. Then again, I'm not even sure anyone actually looks at this blog. Mucho sadness. I hope you realize you can comment on this even if you don't have an account... just leave your name so I know who you are.

Oh yes, a hint of the work:

Oh, and in case you can't tell....

...I'm painting on the floor. I'm a cool kid like that.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

That "S" in my last name

That "S" in my last name should stand for Stress.
One week to figure out to present my work.
Less than 3 weeks to Synopsis.
Less than 3 weeks to finish 3 works.
Less than 3 weeks to knock out 2 collagraphs.

This best part is that I know I can do this.
Getting there is the worse part.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Jaume Plensa

Forgot to mention, totally saw this last night:

Click to make it bigger. This work is called Sho and it is at the Meadows Museum at SMU. Totally blew my mind and it's big! I want to be inside it. But just wanted to share this awesomeness, and please look him up!! More than likely it was fabricated by others, but it was his idea. I learn this tends to happen with some artists, they think up the idea and get others to make it. I could go more in depth about this, but I won't. Still, I want to know more about the process to achieve this.

Not Quite Yet

I am changing what I was doing. Actually, I have simply narrowed it down to a specific subject matter. I am still experimenting with surfaces, and textures. I don't think I ever posted what I was really doing with my show. No use for that now. Instead, I'll give you the five words I've been thinking of lately to describe my aim with the body work: Texture. Story. Life. Organic. Metamorphic. These words are likely to change. See what happens.

Since I am still in the process of figuring things out, I have decided to not post any work here or on facebook, and I'm not going to text anyone images either. Though my mom has already seen one. Instead, I want it all to be a surprise to people who come to Synopsis in October. Then, after the show, I'll post images of the work. In the mean time, I'll post some of my favorite pieces from the past in other pages to give some insight of what it is I like to do.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

New Page

Added a new page titled "Commissions" today, just three works from the summer. If interested in a commission email me at

PS: I realize they may not be the best quality photos, but hopefully you get the point. I may even post the details of two of them later.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

An Introduction

The name is Jessica and the passion is art. As a senior art major, I must develop a body of work throughout the course of this final year and display it in April for all to see. In addition to that, I will be placed in a room with the art department and be questioned about my work and my presentation, and from this will be determined if I graduate or not.

Until then, I have a lot of work to do, including taking Comps, comprehensive exam, in art history as part of the requirement, do my work for my other classes which at the moment includes philosophy, modern art, and printmaking, the latter two I am excited and relate to everything I love to do. The first, I do not like whatsoever. However, it is my last core course as my school requires 3 philosophy courses. At least, my time now is mostly focused on art, I can write and learn about it's history, continue printmaking and hopefully use  the works in my show, and just paint my heart.

A week and half of classes have gone by. My goals from now til the last week of October, where there will be a senior show and a senior review, are to complete 4-5 paintings, 2 prints, and most of my modern art paper. I have to fit philosophy in there too, it will all get done though.

This is my life.
You are more than welcome to observe.

Love, hope, and faith,