
Friday, September 24, 2010

Not Quite Yet

I am changing what I was doing. Actually, I have simply narrowed it down to a specific subject matter. I am still experimenting with surfaces, and textures. I don't think I ever posted what I was really doing with my show. No use for that now. Instead, I'll give you the five words I've been thinking of lately to describe my aim with the body work: Texture. Story. Life. Organic. Metamorphic. These words are likely to change. See what happens.

Since I am still in the process of figuring things out, I have decided to not post any work here or on facebook, and I'm not going to text anyone images either. Though my mom has already seen one. Instead, I want it all to be a surprise to people who come to Synopsis in October. Then, after the show, I'll post images of the work. In the mean time, I'll post some of my favorite pieces from the past in other pages to give some insight of what it is I like to do.

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