
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Paint Day and One Year Later

Hi Folks. Today I took the first day in a long time to spend the day making art... to some extent. I happily finished a painting, maybe two actually, and started lil mini paintings, mere studies for subjects hopefully to be used on larger works. This is one painting I'm pretty sure that I've finished here . I'm hoping at some point this weekend to update my website with these works to give an official clearance, permanence that they are complete. It's funny to be how I'm still training to maintain the same style I had in my last year of college, but also try something new. This newness is hard to like, because well... I'm not used to it. And honestly, painting has taken the backseat to printmaking.

As I said, today was paint day. Almost every Wednesday for the past few months I have been going to my alma mater (wait do I get to say that?) to print, mostly for print exchanges, just to get me back into the process. Now, it has become more important as I am asked to go big... bigger than my lil 12 x 12 in prints to something such as 18 x 24 in which definitely proves more problems than I imagined. At the same time, I am very excited, and given the go hold for new experimentation and this new sense of style is helping me to feel better about the prospect of grad school. Of course, I realize I may not be ready to apply, I may need another year to develop a solid portfolio worthy of submitting... but I think a sense security helps with that confidence that I can achieve my goals.

It has been a year since I've graduated college, and I can proudly say the following:
1. I am a city that I love and that I am truly happy in.
2. I am surrounded by many friends that I love and love me and couldn't be happier.
3. I am in a good, healthy, and loving relationship with an awesome guy.
4. I have a job that I don't dread going to, and have the assurance one of my bosses is happy to know I plan to work with them for a few years, until I go to grad school (also helps it's only 10 mins up the road!)
5. Probably the most important, I feel a greater sense of independence. I have a car, I pay my bills on time, I budget my money, I save my money, I feel secure in my life... though the insecurity helps too, not knowing what the future holds.

I think it is Eve Ensler who wrote a book about Insecurity, I sadly can't remember the title at the moment. However, I do recall, that maybe the best way to leave is in that Insecurity. I have no idea where I will be next year, or two, I'm not even sure I can stay at this apartment given there's a few months left on the lease... but I know that insecurity means something interesting can happen... good or bad... I don't feel controlled, I'm on my own... and I like it. I'm happy.

with the exception of the fact there may be typos in this blog post.... that will make me unhappy... but I'll let the English majors find them, if there are any ;)