I'm sitting here thinking about what happens now. Really, what does happen now? I graduated from undergrad, that was my goal. But what happens now? Well, today I got my learner's permit, next step is to take the actual driving test (hopefully next week and pass) then get a car. Later this week, I should know if I got the apartment my bestie/roommate and I want. If that all falls into place, emails will be sent out. Career Services will know where I am living and help me find a job in the area, Target will know as well and I can hope to transfer so I have some kind of a job. Then of course move. But what about Art? Of course, I'm hoping to get an art related job... but what else? I'm accomplished going to college and graduating... but what now?
I've never been one much for lists, but I think this time around, I should be. I should make a list of goals I want to accomplish, especially in Dallas, otherwise what will my life be worth? Waste not. I should apply to shows. I should make more art. So I'm going to fix up this blog. In fact, I'm really going to change it up methinks given I have an actual portfolio site now. I'm going to make a tab with those goals too so you can see whatever progress I can make.
These goals may also become more life goals as well. I may even set a time limit for them. So to give just an idea of what kind of goals I'm thinking, I'll post the first one because I should be able to make it out to this month's Artwalk, though it'll be Carwalk, and hopefully make my presence, and just try to leave some info before I leave this town.
1. Solo Show in Hometown - Abilene, TX
And here's some music for your ears: